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44th LAN Conference on Literature in the Cultural Borderlands
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Literature in the Cultural Borderlands
44th LAN Conference
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Literature in Cultural Borderlands
44th Annual International Conference 2024
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44th LAN Conference on Literature in the Cultural Borderlands
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Kathmandu, Nepal
Literature Festival
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LAN Kathmandu
Conference Participants
Literary Association of Nepal (LAN) is a non-profit organization. It was founded in 1981 AD by a group of academicians associated with the University to promote academic, literary and research scholarship in the country. With the emergence of new Universities in the country, now the LAN constitutes members and supporters from all Universities including Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu University, Pokhara University, Purbanchal Univeristy, Nepal Sanskrit University, Lumbini Buddhist University, Nepal Open University, Mid-Western University and Far-Western University, and among others. The objectives of the Literary Association of Nepal (LAN) are to disseminate the Nepalese literature abroad; to provide forum for the study of foreign literature in Nepal; and promote creative writing.
Our Events
Mountain Literature Conference-2018 Presenters’ Proposal Form
LAN Annual International Conference Pokhara, Nepal March 1-2, 2018 Presenter’s ...
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