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Call for Paper for Literary Studies

Literary Association of Nepal (LAN) invites contributors for the submission of research articles, book reviews and creative writings from the disciplines of language, literature and culture for the 34th issue of Literary Studies. Research papers should include word-range 3500-4500 (excluding Works Cited list and the Abstract). Creative writing (poems, essays, short plays and stories) should be of moderate length (not exceeding 2000 words). Reviewers should submit reviews of books within the range of 700-1000 words.

Peer Review Policy

The submitted papers will be initially screened by the Editorial Board. Those submissions fulfilling the requirements will be processed through blind peer review. Final decisions are mailed to each contributor.

Deadline and Submission

Papers should be submitted latest by October 30, 2020 to the following email:

About the Journal

Literary Studies, an annual publication of Literary Association of Nepal publishes scholarly interventions by means of a range of linguistic, literary and cultural themes with (inter-)(multi-)transdisciplinary and multicultural locations and perspectives. It is grounded on three-fold objective of the Association: (a) disseminating Nepali literature abroad, (b) providing a forum for the study of foreign literature in Nepal, and (c) promoting creative writing. In addition, it offers its authors adequate space for placing research articles and book reviews related to language, literature and culture, and creative writings.

Aim and Scope

Instructions for the Contributors

  1. The title of the article should be explanatory, precise and reflective and should include major areas/variables under scrutiny.
  2. Contributor’s note should include full name, affiliation, e-mail address, full contact details, and brief professional information.
  3. An abstract comprising between 200-250 words should be placed just after the title of the article. It should state the overview, intervention or research gap, methodology, and findings of the study as applicable.
  4. The article should list keywords (six to eight in number) encapsulating major ideas or topics under investigation.
  5. The body of the paper should include an introduction with brief background of the research territory, problem statement and question(s), and hypotheses (if applicable), brief review of the current state of the art, and research gap (as applicable). In addition, it should state the process and (major) argument, theoretical /conceptual framework or analytical tools, analysis, discussion, interpretation and conclusion.
  6. While documenting the sources, the paper should follow MLA Handbook (8th Edition). Use of mechanics such as indentation, type and size of fonts, contributors are required to follow the same style as stated earlier.

Guidelines for Reviewers

Literary Studies is a peer–reviewed, open access publication in the academic discipline of arts and humanities. Ever since its establishment, Literary Association of Nepal has been annually bringing out researches on seminal issues in literary studies, cultural studies, performance arts, discourse analysis, interdisciplinarity, visual arts, and so on.
The journal uses double-blind review without disclosure of identities of the author and reviewer throughout the peer-review process. We recommend the following guidelines for the reviewers to ensure the quality of the journal:

  1. Before accepting to review a manuscript, please make sure that the manuscript is within the area of your expertise.
  2. Please ensure that the review process is confidential.
  3. Please assess whether the purpose of the manuscript is clearly stated.
  4. Evaluate whether the author focuses on key idea or major argument.
  5. Do the evidences or arguments suffice to support the issue(s) raised in the draft article?
  6. Please make sure that it is free from prejudices in terms of class, sex, gender, profession, region, religion, nationality, physical ability and so on.
  7. Please make sure that it is free from errors related to grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.
  8. Please examine if there is plagiarism.
  9. Please confirm that the author(s) have followed the given instructions.
  10. Reviewers are welcome to offer their suggestions and make corrections.
  11. Submission of the review in time will be highly appreciated.
  12. Please recommend your judgment in one of the following:
    (a) Accept;
    (b) Accept with minor revision;
    (c) Accept with moderate revision;
    (d) Accept with major revision; or,
    (e) Reject.